What you receive:
This is a 4-week youth teaching series called “Citizens of Heaven”. Upon purchase of the series, you will receive a downloadable file containing a welcome message, 4-week teaching scripts, and a series graphic to utilize. We wrote the series with grades 6-12 youth students in mind, but after purchasing, you are welcome to alter it to your student's needs.
About the series:
As students are searching for answers in the Bible, they may start to realize that the Bible says things pretty differently than what the world says. So, what do they do? Well, we are utilizing Hebrews 13 to answer that question. If we proclaim our allegiance to God, we are His citizens. And as his citizens, we have a home waiting for us, called heaven. However, we still live here on earth. And God does not want us to waste our time here on earth. So, what are we meant to do as citizens of heaven, but living here on earth?
Hebrews chapter 13 hits some relevant topics. In the end, it comes down to living a biblical worldview. Therefore, the sessions we have provided is a great starting point! Add topics that relate to your students (you know them
better than we do!), using other areas of the Bible that encourage Christians to live a biblical way vs. a worldly way.
Session Titles:
1. Citizens in Community
2. Citizens are Satisfied
3. Citizens Seek Wiser Citizens
4. Citizens Worship the Almighty King
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