session 2
keep the conversation going
warm-up questions
1. What makes you feel most valued or appreciated by someone else?
2. Have you ever felt overlooked or underestimated? How did that make you feel?
making it personal
1. What are some things about yourself that you think God values?
2. When you make mistakes or feel far from God, how does it help to know that He still loves you and wants you to come back to Him?
3. Can you think of a time when someone showed you grace or forgiveness? How does that reflect God’s love for you?
4. What are some ways you can remind yourself of your worth to God when you feel discouraged or unimportant?
exploring god's view of your value
1. Why do you think God sees every person as valuable?
2. How does knowing you’re created in God’s image (Genesis 1:26-27) change how you see yourself or others?
In the story of the Lost Sheep, why do you think the shepherd went after the one lost sheep instead of staying with the 99? How does that relate to you?
3. In the story of David’s anointing, why do you think God chose David, even though he wasn’t the most impressive to others?
4. How do you feel knowing that God looks at your heart instead of your outward appearance (1 Samuel 16:7)?
living it out
1. How can understanding your value to God change the way you treat yourself?
2. How can it change the way you treat others?
3. If you believed fully in your worth to God, how would it affect your choices, goals, or relationships?
4. What are some practical ways you can share with others the message that they are valuable to God too?