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session 3
keep the conversation going

warm-up questions

1.  What does belonging mean to you?


2.  Who or what do you feel like you belong to in your life?


3.  Have you ever been part of a team, group, or club where you felt really accepted?


4.  What made that experience feel special?


5.  What do you think it means for someone to care deeply about you and guide you?


6.  Can you think of a time when someone helped you when you needed it?

making it personal

1.  What are some things in your life that are hard to let God lead or control?


2.  Why do you think it’s tough to trust Him with those areas?


3.  How does knowing that God treasures you change how you see yourself?


4.  How might it change how you treat others?


5.  What are some practical ways you can remind yourself daily that you belong to God?


6.  Is there a habit or activity that helps you stay close to Him?

exploring the concept of belonging to god

1.  How does it feel to think about belonging to God?


2.  Does it make you feel comforted, confused, or something else? Why?


3.  When the Bible says, You are not your own; you were bought at a price (1 Corinthians 6:19-20), what do you think that means?


4.  How does this idea impact how we live our lives?

What do you think God wants for your life?


5.  How do you think belonging to Him shapes your goals, choices, or plans?

living it out

1.  If you truly believed that you belong to God, how would your life look different?


2.  What would change about how you handle challenges or make decisions?


3.  How can we support each other in remembering that we belong to God?


4.  What’s one way we could encourage each other this week?

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